API - Configuration namespace

Function Summary
cot_config_addRegisters a set of configuration entries at once.
cot_config_implantImplants given options into module configuration if they are not already there.
cot_config_implantedChecks if there are already implanted config records
cot_config_importImports data for config values from outer world
cot_config_inputReturns config input
cot_config_listGet configs from database
cot_config_loadLoads config structure from database into an array
cot_config_modifyUpdates config map properties in the database for given options
cot_config_parseParses array of setup file configuration entries into array representation
cot_config_removeUnregisters configuration option(s).
cot_config_resetReset configuration value
cot_config_selecttitlesHelper function that generates selection titles.
cot_config_setUpdates configuration values Example: $config_values = array( 'disable_test' => '0', 'hidden_test' => 'test45', ); cot_config_set('test', $config_values, true);
cot_config_titlesReturns option title and hint
cot_config_type_int_filterFilters value as Integer in range from Min and Max.
cot_config_updateUpdates existing configuration map removing obsolete options, adding new options and tweaking options which need to be updated.
cot_config_update_optionsSaves updated values of config list in DB
Global Summary
COT_CONFIG_TYPE_TEXTGeneric text configuration.